About Millie

Millie lives in Cornwall with her Mum, Dad, Brother and buddy guide dog Rilla. My older sister, who lives in Devon who I sometimes visit, supported the Pop-Up Shop with website content and marketing.

Millie loves playing chess and going climbing, as well as chess and canoeing. She has always been quite active and has never let her sight stop her.

She'd love for you to come in and explore the Pop-Up Shop but don't be offended if Millie is a little quiet, as sometimes she can be a little shy and find it difficult to communicate. But don't worry, the family will be on hand to help and support.

Millie’s battle with Alstrom Syndrome

Millie suffers from Alstrom Syndrome, a rare genetic condition that affects vision and other sensory systems. Despite this, Millie has defied all odds and is determined to make a difference in the world.

Millie’s pop-up is not just a summer job for Millie; it’s an opportunity to experience a sense of independence, something which is difficult for those who are partially sighted and/or living with Alstrom.


Want to get involved?

We’re always looking for new sponsors and supporters. Contact us today to find out how you can help Millie’s Pop-Up Shop.